By Russell Bruce
Labour backs bankers over children. Starmer and Reeves say there is no money to abolish the Tories two child benifit limit. Currently families of 2 million children do not receive support for a third or more of their children. Children losing out are set to rise to nearly 3 million by the end of the next parliament.
Meanwhile Labour have agreed with the Tories and placed no cap on bankers bonuses. If bankers earn more then their tax rate could be increased to contribute to the abolition of the 2 child benefit limit. Oh! wait a minute Labour have said they will not increase tax rates including on high earners. So bankers get more money and children in families over the 2 child limit are penalised. Through no fault of the children their human rights to an equal life to their older siblings do not exist.
Shouldn’t there be a law against that?
UK Child poverty by nation and region
This clearly shows Scotland’s significantly better performance

Source: North East Child Poverty Commission (NECPC) July 2022. Scotland has since significantly expanded support for families with children with its new social security funding provision.
Labour it seems can find money to save pubs as they reveal their new 5-point plan to save pubs. Strange priority when there is not enough money to save children.